Bank of America ( BAC) and Wells Fargo ( WFC) both announced new debit card charges, and Citigroup is raising some checking account fees aimed squarely at main street. 美国银行和富国银行最近都宣布将新增借记卡收费项目,而花旗将提高部分支票账户的收费,买单者显然正是主流社会。
I have two accounts at my bank. I have one savings account, and one checking account. 我在银行有两个帐户,一个是贮蓄帐户,一个是结算帐户。
For example, a bank customer has a checking account and a savings account. 例如,一个银行客户有一个支票帐户(checkingaccount)和一个储蓄帐户(savingaccount)。
To understand why these characteristics are important, think about a bank transaction during which money is transferred from a savings account into a checking account. 要了解这些特征为何如此重要,可考虑这样一个银行事务:即钱从储蓄帐户转到支票帐户。
The user can apply for multiple bank accounts, choosing from either a checking or savings account type. 用户可以申请多个银行帐户,可以选择是支票帐户类型或者是储蓄帐户类型。
Around Wednesday or Thursday, people started saying: call your bank, change your passwords, set up a new checking account. 到了周三周四的时候,公司的人开始说:赶快通知银行、修改你的密码、开一个新的支票账户。
Your uncle repays a$ 100 loan from Tenth National Bank by writing a$ 100 check from his TNB checking account. 你的叔叔从他的TNB银行支票帐户开具100元支票,用来偿还他在第十国家银行的贷款。
Bank StatementBanks usually maintain a record of all checking account transactions. 银行报告银行通常维护所有支票帐户交易纪录。
The client shall fill in an Application Form for the Loss Reporting and Stop-payment by presenting his valid credentials and submit it to the bank that opens the checking account. 应凭本人有效身份证实填写挂失止付申请书交支票开户行,支票开户行查明挂失支票确未付款后受理挂失。
If you go to a savings bank, or a savings and loan, or a commercial bank and you say, I want to open up a checking account that's a deposit; or, I want to open up a saving account that's a deposit. 如果你去一个储蓄银行或者商业银行,去储蓄或者贷款,你说,我想开个支票账户,这就是储蓄;,或者说我先开个存款账户,这就是储蓄。
If you went to a bank to open a savings account, you would go through almost the same procedures followed in applying for a checking account. 如果你到银行开立储蓄账户,你会经历与申请支票账户所需的相同手续。